I have to take this opportunity to share with you a recent event that I participated in to raise money for a dear friend, Tara and her daughter Grace who has Rett Syndrome. For the past couple of years, Tara has coordinated a race to raise money for Rett Syndrome; a Race for Grace!
Last year, Tara went back to work and coordinating the Race for Grace was too large of an undertaking so we decided to do something different. We decided to participate in the Tough Mudder race. What is a Tough Mudder, you ask? Well, Tough Mudder events are hardcore 10-12 mile obstacle courses designed by British Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie. With the most innovative courses, half a million inspiring participants, and more than $2 million dollars raised for the Wounded Warrior Project, Tough Mudder is the premier adventure challenge series in the world.
Why would we participate in this ridiculous race you ask? Because Grace is the Toughest Mudder we know and she suffers every day with her debilitating disorder. So, we couldn’t think of a better way to honor Grace than to put our physical and mental wills to the test. And, this past weekend in Vermont, we did just that. 10 of my closest and dearest friends headed up to the Green Mountain State. For 5 hours, we climbed, swam, tripped, ran, laughed and cried through the Tough Mudder course.
When we felt like we couldn’t press on, we thought of Grace. When we were cold, wet and tired, we thought of Grace.
The reason why I tell this story is because fund raising efforts can come in all different ways, shapes and forms. Gathering 10 close friends and spending the day testing our wills for beautiful Grace was the most rewarding and fulfilling experience in my 40 years on this earth. We raised over $10,000 for Rett Foundation, IRSF.
Do what you can in your community to rally behind a cause, a child, anything. Just do somethingJ You won’t regret it!